




The child having been born (1st sculpture-as-icon), mother and child must separate. Separation is both painful and joyous. Painful because both want to cling to what they feel is theirs. Joyous because (the freedom to) a new life beckons for both.


Both mother and child must (decide to*) tear themselves apart. If mother and child separate (completely), both will live. If they don’t separate (or only partially), both will die (or remain wounded).


One side of the mother, the animal side, holds on tightly to her offspring because she experiences it as part of herself. She cannot bear the loss, indeed sacrifice of (part of her-) self. Her other side, her wisdom side, pushes the child away because she realises that the child, meaning she herself in/as her child (to wit, her DNA), must create (i.e. elaborate) a new life for herself and by so doing make real and reflect back** to the mother the mother’s own unrealised potential.


The child’s animal side seeks to remain within the comfort zone of the mother-and-child relationship. The child wants to continue to suck. Yet the child feels the need to seek freedom from her mother, meaning the freedom to become a free and authentic being in its own right and bear off-spring.


The separation process is recursive for (that is to say, a part of) all creative endeavour.


*… The human cost of indecision, hence incompleteness, is represented by sculpture-as-icon No 3, the ‘Split Man’.


**… The universalised meaning of the ‘separation’ icon


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© 2016 Victor Langheld