What is a thing?



A thing is what it does. Doing is a function that results in a process. A function/process happens as a series of individual (i.e. 1 : 1) contacts.


Contact happens in a relativity vacuum, hence as a 1c2 moment. A 1c2 moment can be understood as a real bit, that is to say, as a bit of hardware. The bits (i.e. the 1c’s, i.e. 1 @ momentum c) that make contact are virtual, meaning unreal, until they make contact and become real (i.e. reified as 1c2). For real (as in hardware @c2) understand true (because non-relative ≈ absolute).


A thing is a stopped (or blocked or halted or decided). therefore quantised process. That means that a whole process (or series of 1c bits) when stopped by an alternate series of 1c bits) is processed (i.e. responded to) as a single whole or unit (hence as a fixed, i.e. finite, thus a quantum). A quantised process (or series of bits) can be understood as a bite.


In short, a simple ‘thing’ (i.e. a bit of hardware resulting from contact of 2 X1c bits) is defined as a 1c2 moment (hence as a quantum of realness. A complex thing (i.e. having more than one bit, hence mass) is defined as 1mc2. When the momentum of a real complex bit (i.e. 1mc2) is turned into energy the equations that results is:


e ≈mc2


Contact that makes real (and is experienced as hardware), hence that ‘is’, is always absolute (hence true), albeit momentary.


The upshot of the above is that ‘I am (real) what I do (i.e. what I contact and thereby make real).


Note: a 1c bit (or a 1mc bit) is perfect but incomplete. A 1c2 bit (or a 1mc2 bite) is both perfect and complete ….. for a moment. To maintain perfection and completion requires a (possibly unending or abiding, so the Buddha) series (or process) of differential @c contacts.




Slight deviation


The default setting of my Bio-nav (i.e. my brain as blind auto-pilot) is to compute and decide the best possible option (i.e. with the greatest survival probability) for doing (i.e. for taking the next step). Hence I am right now my true self because I am now the best possible outcome of a past series of best possible (read: Darwin’s ‘fittest’) choices.


It follows that I’m a winner (for a moment) and feel happy (for a moment) if I win (for a moment) and feel happy (for a moment). And I’m a loser (for a moment) and feel unhappy (for a moment) if I lose (for a moment) and feel unhappy (for a moment).


And I’m a winner if I make (differential) contact (and become real and identifiable) that is to say, if and when I arrive (i.e. achieve, close, complete (or fulfil) my journey to contact). And I’m a loser if I fail to make contact (and so remain unreal and unidentifiable) that is to say, when I fail to arrive (i.e. to complete (or fulfil) me journey).


Bluntly put, my Bio-Nav fires the happiness signal if and when I arrive (i.e. become either complete). It fires the unhappiness signal if I don’t arrive (i.e. if I fail to complete). Where I arrive (i.e. the content of the outcome) is irrelevant.


Hence the ancient Irish adage:


‘The Right Way is to land’

                                                                                                 Victor (1974)


God is perfect, but incomplete


© 2016 Victor Langheld