The English word enlightenment is a metaphor. A
metaphor is a verbal (indeed notional) substitution, that is to say, a more
acceptable or popular word (or phrase, hence notion, to wit, a euphemism operating as a placebo)
is substituted for a less acceptable or unpopular word (hence notion). Some
metaphors are false, indeed misleading, for instance like ‘sunrise’ or ‘all
the world’s a stage.* The metaphor (i.e. as false
notion of) enlightenment suggests
(the personal response to) a sudden (sometimes gradual) increase in freedom
(i.e. as liberation from drag or impedance, hence dullness, darkness or
heaviness (viz. depression), Sanskrit: moksha),
the enlightenment effect being
experienced as either a sense of brightness or of lightness (hence also of
speed or elation).** What the term enlightenment intends to describe, but disguises for reason of
acceptable because pleasant distraction, is (the unpleasant knowledge of,
hence uncomfortable biological truth about) a relative increase in personal
survival capacity as basic biological function common
to all biological units. An increase in relative survival
capacity, interpreted as an increase in freedom, is achieved if and when a
(indeed any) bio-system decreases drag or hindrance (i.e. impedance ≈
darkness) in its drive to survival in any (world as) set of circumstances or
conditions. So it is that an increase in
knowledge (for instance, the Buddhist samma-sambodhi),
and, consequently a decrease in survival drag or impedance resulting from
ignorance, is falsely described as enlightenment,***
the more knowledge acquired (i.e. the more ignorance removed) the fuller or
brighter the enlightenment. In a nutshell, the metaphor enlightenment suggests, in a popular
roundabout way, an increase in response speed, thus an increase in survival
capacity. In fact, increased survival
capacity and so enlightenment happens as the after-effect of problem
solving. And any problem solved will result in
increased survival capacity, hence ‘speed’, hence enlightenment. Meaning that the (biological) enlightenment affect
is the same for all enlightenments, differing only in intensity and which depends
on the intensity or complexity (read: difficulty or importance, reflected in
the amount of energy invested in the problem solving process) of the problem
solved. Therefore, taking a drink or a
pee (thereby eliminating a drag on current survival performance) is a simple
way of getting enlightened. Enlightenment (resulting from
liberation) is, consequently, not a spiritual, mystical or religious
experience. Enlightenment is a
biological experience common to all. Obviously the hot shots of spiritual and
religious communities make a big deal of enlightenment.
They would, wouldn’t they! The personal
feed-back signal for an increase in relative survival capacity (thus enlightenment) in any set of
circumstances (i.e. world) is happiness, i.e. elation.
Unhappiness, i.e. depression, signals loss of
relative survival capacity (thus endarkenment). See my book ‘How to make and fake
happiness’ *… A metaphor (so Wikipedia, with thanks) is
a figure (hence fantasy) of speech that refers to something as being the same
as another thing for rhetorical (popular) effect. It may provide clarity or
identify hidden similarities between two ideas. (My addition) It may also be designed to
disguise an unwelcome or uncomfortable truth. **… Enlightenment is the
word applied to a sudden energy surge, rush, release or increase. That energy
surge happens if and when a problem, indeed any problem is solved, i.e. any
obstacle overcome. The problem or obstacle binds energy during the removal
attempts. When removal happens, the invested energy is released. For
instance, if I’m carrying a heavy load and then set it down I feel
lighter. If I suddenly understand
something I feel brighter. Indeed if a kid is smart it’s called bright. *** … What in English is
described as ‘the Age of Enlightenment’ is described in French as ‘L’age de raison (i.e. reason)’ and in German as ‘das Zeitalter der Aufklaerung
(meaning: clearing up)’. All three suggest that drag (to wit, lack of
knowledge ≈ superior speed), experienced as darkness or heaviness, has been removed. |