The bio-logical machine
following definitions are taken from the smart (i.e. quick, i.e. alive or
awake, hence buddhist) woman’s Bible, namely The New Oxford Dictionary of
Ø Logic: reasoning conducted or assessed according to strict principles of
Ø Information technology (i.e. computer) logic: a system or set of principles underlying the arrangements of
elements in a computer so as to perform a specific task.
Ø Logos: from Greek: reason (in Christian interpretation: word)
Ø Bio: from Greek bios, meaning ‘living’, ‘course of human life’
Ø Machine: Greek makhana, mekhos:
contrivance (device?)
Turing’s machine: a basic (or universal)
set of rules (i.e. a BOS).
of a biological machine: a living contrivance or device whose elements are
arranged to perform and end (i.e. decide) a specific task. Task ending or
completion (read: decision) proves that the machine is logic.
@ Victor’s Way
In short, a
bio-machine is logic if and when it completes the task of ending the non-logic,
i.e. of de-randomizing the random. Completion of a (i.e. any) task transforms
(slices or cuts, therefore ends) the task’s (open, on-going hence still
non-logic) process into a quantum or unit (i.e. at ending (read: when
decided, hence logic) the process presents for contact on-end (i.e. stilled
or stopped, hence closed) rather than on-line). Only a quantum, i.e. a
non-logic process that has been ended/decided, now logic, therefore a whole
random unit, can collide with (i.e. strike; instruct) an alternate quantum
(also random). They collide in a relativity vacuum, thereby producing not
only a quantum of absolute realness but also a change of direction. In
everyday terms: “Only (quantised) difference
makes a
(real) difference!” Bio-logic machines that
fail to end their task remain non-logic and are eliminated (i.e. eaten).
Suffering signals (causes) that the elimination process has started.
So what is
the task (locally imagined to be a purpose) of a bio-logical machine? To end the task of transmuting (actually:
quantizing) the non-logic (or chaotic or
random or dis’ordered process) into logic
(i.e. non-random, ordered, whole units, i.e. quanta).
In short, a
bio-logic machine serves to perform GI : GO
Garbage in : Food out
in : Order out
Failure to
end the task of transmuting chaos into order (i.e. hot ≈ high energy, i.e.
relative momentum) difference into (cool ≈ low energy) sameness) is measured by the machine’s
Guide & Control System in/as relative loss (or depression or lack) of
available energy. Energy is lost or dissipated by being used up in the effort
to create a logic outcome, i.e. task ending (to wit: decision). Energy loss,
deriving from failure to complete, is signalled to the bio-logic machine in
the user (or surface) friendly communication means (or language as metaphor
set) of the various intensities of unpleasant feelings, namely sorrow,
suffering, anguish, misery, that is to say, as the various emotional
components of psychological depression; or more simply and effectively, by
physical pain.
Success at
task ending is registered by a bio-logical machine in/as relative increase of
energy, i.e. as an energy surge (elsewhere called enlightenment). It is
signalled by the user’s Guide & Control System via the user friendly
communication means of the various intensities of pleasant feelings, namely
happiness, joy, rapture, i.e. by elation; or more simply and effectively by
physical pleasure.
The Logic
Machine eats disorder and digests it to create order energise itself.

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