The Basic Differences

between the Old and the new Buddha




The Old Buddha

Some friendly/unfriendly


Relativist view


A dharma is a thing


The Sakyamuni was an historical person

(Note this same transition in Christianity)


Buddha is a noun


Liberates from (life)


Cures ill


Eliminates the response to failure (i.e. suffering)


A dharma is an (after-) effect




A dharma is untrue/unreal

(because dependent)


An effect is empty of own existence


A dharma is (dead) information


Awakened (i.e. sees more)


Claims Basic Operating System’s fault

(Note the same claim in Christianity, at least since Paul and Augustine)


Shifts fundamental blame-for-pain to BOS’s fault



Victim’s view


Helps eliminate local fault





Pre-empts failure (i.e. with the Noble 8-fold Path)


Died out in India and was replaced by Ganesh


Nirvana end of suffering


Samsara ≈ continuous, endless (perhaps not)





Colours: amber to red



The New Buddha

All friendly


Quantist view


A dharma is a function


Buddha is function inherent in all beings



Buddha is a verb


Liberates to (life)


Prevents ill


Manages the response to failure and success


A dharma is both (after-) effect and (pre-) affect (i.e. cause)


A dharma can be made true/real (i.e. independent)


A function can operate as either empty or full


A dharma is (potentially live) instruction


Aroused (speeds up)


Claims Basic Operating System’s default



Shifts fundamental blame-for-pain to BOS’s user fault (i.e. a mis-app)


Victor’s view


Helps return to original local default setting




Emerged with Mahayana but forgot its core business and was voided by scholiasts (e.g. Nagarjuna et al)



Nirvana @rest


Samsara discretely dis-continuous





Colours: amber to green




