How to become a perfect

Theravada Buddhist Bhikku


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The goal of the fully dedicated Buddhist bhikku, the one ‘gone forth into homelessness’, is to achieve nibbana (Sanskrit: nirvana) in this life, thereby ending the cause of apparently endless transmigration within samsara and which is the cause of endless suffering (Pali: dukkha). The perfectionist bhikku’s initial goal is to achieve relative non-activity (i.e. non-connectivity), i.e. relative @rest status. Thereafter he eliminates relativity absolutely and achieves absolute non-activity (i.e. non-connectivity), i.e. pari-nibbana, and which brings transmigration to an absolute stop.





·         Evaluate your situation in regard to actual and probable suffering.

·         Decide that the cost-benefit relationship of living (i.e. of  migrating from contact to contact) is wholly negative.

·         Decide to stop connecting in order to shut your self down. Then,

·         Gradually reduce external touch/contact. A touch/contact creates a home, i.e. a momentarily real and identifiable ‘other’, i.e. a life.

·         Gradually reduce internal touch/contact, hence self-interaction.

·         Completely eliminate contact/touch, i.e. action/reaction. Perfect non-action/reaction stills a system to @rest (i.e. unchanging sameness) status, i.e. nibbana.

·         (Optional, if you want to become a Bodhisattva) Having achieved unchanging sameness, he touches/contacts once to experience absolute realness (Sanskrit: sat’tva).

·         (Optional, if you want to become a Buddha). Contact/touch a series serially, thereby waking up to relative identity (Sanskrit: cit’tva, Pali: bodhi).

·         Observe with perfect concentration the emergence and decay of absolute realness (i.e. rupa/sat) and identity (i.e. nama/chit), and achieve perfect awakening, i.e. samma-sambodhi.





·         Read the anatta sutta very slowly, three times.

·         The smart bhikku detaches from every thing but a single focus/point (Pali: nimitta). Then, when he has let go of all but the single point, he dumps the point and ‘waits’ as limitless virtual sameness (i.e. nibbana).

·         The smarter bhikku simulates all the former, and achieves the same result.





·         Your path to nibbana (i.e. your visuddhimagga) will be lonely, difficult and dangerous. It’s the Razor’s Edge Path par excellence.

·         Gradual detachment, i.e. as dehabituation and/or dissociation, eventually removes you completely from the everyday world. Hence, perfection of the path to nibbana should be undertaken only if you are completely independent, healthy, fearless and very quick.

·         The perfect bhikku’s goal is a dead end. 

·         Avoid local bhikkus as the plague.

·         Make a will before you go forth.




Things you’ll need


ü     Reliable ground support, i.e. caring parents (or a sibling) who will pull you out of the mess you’ll get yourself into, no matter what.

ü     A safety net that will protect you if you get pulled into the abyss or over the edge.

ü     No libido.

ü     Absolute faith that you are designed to succeed.

ü     Whole body/mind expectation that you will succeed. Sheer guts and/or luck

ü     A safety line (i.e. a reality test)

ü     A safety net (i.e. a holy period)

ü     Common sense (i.e. playing the odds)

ü     Expectation, i.e. that you will succeed

ü     Absolute faith, i.e. that you can do it and that you will survive

