Joyful ecstasy




Ecstasy No 3 (a joyful ecstasy) happens when an enstatic self is made absolutely real and fully identified by contact with another enstatic self (i.e. it is other-realised rather than self-realised). This ecstasy, namely experiencing one’s whole (hence fulfilled) self as an absolute (hence fulfilled, hence true) reality, and when one has gone beyond, quit or forgotten all previous ecstasies (i.e. states of the self), results in ultimate, unspeakable bliss (or freedom).


Ecstasy No 3 is the true goal of pilgrimage. Ecstasies 1,2 are merely preparations for ecstasies 3 & 4, 5, 6, & 7. Ecstasy 4 is a diversion used to find completion without an ‘other’.


The ancient Indians called the 4th ecstasy sat-chit-ananda and held it to be the divine state (i.e. the saguna Brahman or God). It’s achieved by all life forms from moment to moment, a true embarrassment of riches. The 4th ecstasy is so common, so ordinary, such an everyday experience that it rarely emerges in consciousness. Usually only its loss is noticed.


Thus, ‘Life (that is to say, the miracle of life, i.e. of the 4th ecstasy) is wasted on the living.’ Indeed, ‘Life happens as continuum of (discretely differential) ecstasies.’





Ecstasy 3: the fully made real (and therefore identified as a reality) complete self (produced @ enstasy). This is the virtual self that has self-realised (and made other) by means of contact (or touch) with another self and which is also actualised, i.e. self-realised by that contact.

The pay-off for attaining Ecstasy 3 is a sudden surge (or rush) of energy (or acceleration speed, symbolised as (getting the) green light), the latter being (self-) interpreted as (sometimes overwhelming) joy, happiness, bliss and so on. Ecstasy 3 (experienced as positive ecstasy) functions as the CARROT.

An ecstasy that produces joy happens if and when one becomes different. More precisely stated, a joyful ecstasy happens if and when the end state (of a pilgrimage) is different from the start or initial state.


Joy happens as the (human) interpretation of the speed of (linear) momentum (therefore quantity of energy (e, as in e=mc2) delivered (hence surplus) at (pilgrimage) ending.



The end of a pilgrimage is (the) sanctuary, the holding device (i.e. as identity) of SANCTUM, meaning: wholeness (in the physical sense, perfect health), completeness, fullness, religious holiness; @1 (religious atoned), as 1; quantised, unitised; true and so on.