1. Samma-sambodhi
2. If and
when a problem is solved
3. Samma-sambodhi
4. When no
problem remains
The Pali metaphor Samma-sambodhi describes the experience
of attainment, that is to say, of solving a (any) problem. The metaphor
describe the affect of peak or ‘Eureka’ experience.
1. The
samma-sambodh function activates
2. When a
problem solution is attained.
3. The
samma-sambodhi function ends
4. When no
new problem emerges.
samma-sambodhi experience consists of two elements:
1. The problem solution, as
formal or formless content.
2. The pay-off for
The problem
solution may be true or false.
It is
attainment that is self-rewarded.*
‘reward’ (that’s how it is usually experienced) for problem solving is the
release of energy invested in the problem solving process, and often called
Enlightenment. Total (i.e.
full, complete, perfect) self-investment will harvest total (i.e. full,
complete, perfect) release.
intensity of energy surge released by solving a (any) problem is signalled
in the high-level communications medium/language of the emotions the
varying intensities of happiness, joy, rapture and so on. Moreover, since
the problem has been overcome, the problem solver feels free, liberated,
‘no more to be done’, complete, perfect and so on and on.
The content
of the problem solution remains, but the experience does not. The experience
cannot be repeated by repeating the problem solution.
* … For instance, an
orgasm rewards for the attainment of transmission, whether or not
fertilization takes place. Samma-sambodhi is a mental orgasm. The rapturous
joy of orgasm (or samma-sambodhi signals ending (hence attainment) of a
particularlyy important logic function and so drives the system to
continue. In short, the samma-sambodhi (or Eureka) experience is the
ultimate carrot.
The 4 Noble
Truths of samma-sambodhi (user friendly version)