En-lightenment versus En-darkenment
En-lightenment happens if
and when energy (= life support capacity) increases. En-darkenment happens if
and when energy (= life support capacity) is decreases. Light (i.e. as brightness
or as the experience of physical or
mental lightness or increase in speed) represents – is a biological metaphor
or icon for – a relative increase in energy (or capacity). Darkness (i.e. as
dullness, or as the experience of an increase in physical or mental heaviness
or slowness) represents a relative diminution or loss of energy (or
capacity). Light (i.e. energy up) and
dark (energy down) operate as basic Guide & Control mechanism in all
biological systems. An increase in light (or
energy), hence enlightenment, tells a system: ‘You are doing fine. CONTINUE!’ A decrease in light (or
energy, hence an increase in darkness) tells a system ‘You are doing badly.
DISCONTINUE! Try something else’. A surge of light (i.e.
energy = life support capacity), hence enlightenment, is interpreted by the
human as elation, i.e. as an energy high. A loss of light (or energy
= life support capacity), hence endarkenment, is interpreted by the human as
depression, i.e. an energy low. Energy (that is to say,
life support capacity) is released internally by compressing out (i.e. by
fissioning) redundant (i.e. formerly useful) or obstructing data and
functions (i.e. unresolved problems) and which need, and therefore suck
energy to continue to operate. Energy (= life support) is acquired externally
by means of contact (i.e. by fusion).
Energy is lost (i.e. depressed or depleted) by investing it in
redundant data and functions, by supporting everyday life functions and by
not acquiring added energy from external contact. In simple terms,
enlightenment (read also: increased arousal = awakening, Buddhism: bodhi))
happens if and when an energy surge is generated within. An energy surge,
hence enlightenment, is usually reinterpreted as happiness (joy, rapture,
bliss and so on) Endarkenment (read also:
decrease of arousal, i.e. returning to sleep) happens if and when an energy
loss is generated within. An energy loss is usually interpreted as
unhappiness (sorrow, anguish, suffering and so on). |