
Blown out, extinguished, burnt out, died down



Etymology of nirvana


Probable meaning of nirvana


The 3 traditional Buddhist nirvanas

The 3 upgraded Buddhist  nirvanas


The Buddha’s descriptions of nirvana


How to get to Nirvana






In preparation

Please return later













Compiled by

Bhikku Bodhangkur


The Nirvanaman  ..... Mr Cool
The Buddha enjoying the bliss of attainment

@ Victoria's Way, Roundwood, Co Wicklow, Irleand               











Goal or


Red Herring?







                                         The Nirvanaman

                                                @ Victoria’s Way, in Wicklow



Nirvana ≈ @ rest, hence cool


In other words, Nirvana is the calm before and after an (inner) storm.



The three nirvanas